Our Supporters

Heartfelt thanks to our community sponsors:

Concert Sponsors

Corporate Friends

Guelph Chamber Choir supporter - RBC

Emerging Artist Sponsor

Harcourt Commons


Media Sponsor

Guelph Chamber Choir supporter - RBC

Grants gratefully received from

Guelph Chamber Choir supporter - Ontario Arts Council
Guelph Chamber Choir supporters - Ontario Arts Foundation
Guelph Chamber Choir supporters - Guelph Community Foundation

Contact us and let’s talk about how we can work together to support the arts.

Thank you to the following individuals for your support.

* Indicates monthly donors

Laura Adlers

Douglas Annett

Jonas Bakelaar

Lynn Beath

John Barnum

Barzotti Woodworking Ltd.

Andy Bell

Irene Berry

Michele Bowring

Mary Lou and Doug Brock

Jeanette Browne

Michael Buchanan

Jeff Burton

John and Barbara Buttars

Terry Byrne

Linda Clay

Kate Cook

Heatheranne Cotic

Itamar Danziger

Carolyn Davidson*

Keith Davies

Aaron Dent*

Michael Dent and family

Sue Dickieson

David Douglas

David Guerrero

Bailey Dugas

Jon Fear and family

Christopher Findlay

Dorothy Fisher

Lanny Fleming

Jamie Ford

Barbara Friend

Hélène Gadoury

Stephen Gentles

Larry Gibbs

Joanne Gonsalves*

Enid Gough

Keith Hagerman

Brad Halls*

Sharon Hamilton

Patricia Hamilton

Rebecca Han

Jean Hilborn

Megan Hodge*

Lorraine Holding

Doris Hrvatin

Stephen Hutchinson

Paul Jackson

Steven Jacobs

Joy Killen

Mary Klymko

Jacqueline Kreller-Vanderkooy*

Katie Lammert

Lynn Lawson

Daria Levytsky

Colleen Lichti

Julia Lockhart*

Che Anne Louwen

Sarah Lowe

Fiona Maarhuis

Karen MacLeod

Paul Marsh

Douglas McCalla

Debra McKay

Neil and Sheila McLaren

Jesse Mellot

Margaret Middleton

Charlotte Mingle*

Katija Morley

Grace Morrison

Monica J Mulder

Ann Murray

Marilyn Murray

Graham Nancekivell*

Gerry and Pat Neufeld

Okezie Nweze

Charlene Pauls*

Ella and Peter Pauls

Victor Pauls*

Merrill Pierce

Elena Puccetti

Donald Quinlan*

Glenys Reid

Quinn Foundation

George Renninger

Susan Rietschin

Bonnie Rimmer*

Susan Rowbottom

Paula Sather

Rachel Schenk Martin

Susanne Schmidt-McQuillan

Kathryn Selves

Preetam Sengupta*

Jim and Anne Shute

Angus Sinclair

Karen Slatkovsky

David Smith

Leslie Snell

Patrick Spacek

Emily Steers

Dirk Steinke

Sally Stelter

Roselynn Stevenson

Kris Sturgeon

Wojciech Szatan

Tammy te Winkel*

Shelby Tom

Susan Tough

Elaine Tucker

Annette Twist

Sya VanGeest*

Joel Varkey

Mitchell Watt

David Weiler

Peter and Hania White*

Marilyn Whiteley*

Kate Wilson

Richard Wilson

Barbara Wood and family

Christopher Young

Pamela Young*